30 years of service
RRGF DOES NOT SUPPLY PRINTED, INDUSTRIAL, OR CAUTIONARY STREAMERS (e.g., "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" etc.). IN ADDITION, RRGF DOES NOT SELL ANY PRODUCTS INTERNATIONALLY (except for US military sales shipped to APO/FPO/AA addresses). ADVISORY: We only send out quotes when asked for them. If you receive an unsolicited quote from an entity claiming to be RRGF it is probably a scam
RRGF supplies Military Specification Campaign and Award Streamers for All Services
"A young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not likely to have what it takes to make a living"...John F. Kennedy
(provided as a military service - no endorsement implied)
BEFORE YOU E-MAIL US: If you would like a quote please specify the SIZE of the streamer(s) you need, TOTAL NUMBER of streamers, and your physical or APO/FPO SHIPPING ADDRESS, including ZIP CODE. If you need GUIDON STREAMERS please specify whether you want SLEEVES OR GROMMETS as attachments. PLEASE E-MAIL RRGF FROM YOUR MILITARY E-MAIL ADDRESS. RRGF WILL NOT SUPPLY OFFICIAL QUOTES OR SEND INVOICES FOR MILITARY OR GOVERNMENT ORDERS TO PRIVATE E-MAIL ADDRESSES. IN ACCORDANCE WITH DFAS RULES, RRGF WILL NOT PRE-CHARGE GOVERNMENT PURCHASE CARDS OR SHIP GPC ORDERS TO PRIVATE ADDRESSES. RRGF provides "FORM 889 DECLARATION FOR MILITARY AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CLIENTS - Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services" with quote or upon request. NOTE: We only send out quotes when asked for them. If you receive an unsolicited quote from an entity claiming to be RRGF it is probably a scam
Thursday, 06-Feb-2025
This page last updated on 23 January 2025 @ 07:48 EST
MILITARY campaign, war service, battle, award and guidon streamers in regulation sizes and materials
AWARD streamer information for all services
CUSTOM streamers for military, civil governments and agencies, and civilian uses
all RRGF military streamers are MIL-SPEC per MIL-DTL-14650B
(size 2, 2 3/4 x 36 inches)
(size 1, 2 3/4 x 48 inches)
portion of ARMY WWII EAME, TUNISIA 1942 - 1943, MIL-DTL-11589/57
(size 1, 2 3/4 x 48 inches)
example ARMY streamers shown above are 2 3/4 x 48 inches
USMC - KOREAN SERVICE with two silver stars (MIL-DTL-11589/78)
2 3/4 x 36 inches Double Sided - Double Embroidered
(click on photo for a close-up of the embroidered stars)
ARMY GUIDON STREAMERS, 1 3/8 x 24 inches (with sleeves)
(MIL-DTL-11589/4) - (note the different date formats)
1 3/8 x 36 inches
PORTION OF A PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION (MIL-DTL-11589/54), 1 3/8 x 24 inches, with grommet
color close-ups of selected 2 3/4 and 1 3/8 inch widths - click to expand
{some systems do not expand to full size on the first click - in that case click on the enlarged view, which should then fill your screen}
Military Specification Battle Streamers for all US military branches
1 3/8 inches wide by 24 inches in length - commonly used with Guidon flags
1 3/8 inches wide by 36 inches in length - commonly used by the Air Force for Unit Award Streamers, such as the AFOUA
2 3/4 inches wide by 36 inches in length - Campaign Streamers used with organizational flags
2 3/4 inches wide by 48 inches in length - Campaign Streamers used with ceremonial flags
1 3/8 inch wide streamers have a "sleeve" to slip over the staff, with an embroidered button hole in the far edge of the sleeve. This is the traditional style of attachment as specified by regulation (grommet attachment available at no extra cost)
2 3/4 inch wide streamers have a brass grommet in the header. These streamers are designed to slip onto a clip, which is part of a ring arch on the top of the staff. This style of attachment is specified by regulation. See graphic below for details on the attachment ring
BEAUTIFULLY EMBROIDERED IN USA, on regulation RAYON material MADE IN USA -- HIGHEST QUALITY. All streamers meet DoD materials and workmanship requirements, and individual service specifications (MIL-C-606F, CLOTH, BANNER, RAYON)
RAYON is a man-made material (but NOT synthetic) that offers the look and feel of silk, but without silk's high cost, and is the material specified in MIL-DTL-11589F, applicable to all military services:
11589F/3.3 Materials. Materials shall be as specified herein.
11589F/3.3.1 Yarn. The yarn shall be a continuous filament, bright regenerated cellulose rayon of the viscose or cupramnonium type with not less than 20 filaments for the single yarn. The denier (size) for warp and filling yarn shall be as specified in 3.4.2.
The following graphic, from MIL-DTL-14650B, DETAIL SPECIFICATION, STREAMERS, GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR, illustrates how regulation military streamers are to be made
The entries below are, or may contain, LINKS TO SERVICE WEB SITES or the ASSIST WEB SITE, and include PHOTOS or GRAPHICS of streamers. Listing these sites is for information purposes only, and does not constitute an endorsement of RRGF or associated companies by the Department of Defense or any Military Service
The ASSIST Quick Search web site permits you to find non-restricted documents without the need to have a LOGIN or PASSWORD. Click on the link(s) noted below and enter the Document ID, Document Number, and/or Word(s) in Title; then select the appropriate PDF file. For example, to find information concerning GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL MILITARY STREAMERS click HERE and enter MIL-DTL-14650B in the Document ID field, then click the Submit button
Class 1 - ARMY. - ARMY CAMPAIGN STREAMERS ARE DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT MIL-DTL-14650/1CC - AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ON THE ASSIST WEB SITE QUICK SEARCH - CLICK HERE Army streamers may be size 1, 2, or 3, depending upon the flag used. Army streamers usually have embroidery, although some streamers - such as War Service streamers awarded to units in theater but not entitled to campaign credit - are plain. Size 1 campaign streamers have the name and date of the campaign; other sizes have only the name of the campaign, with the exception of those campaigns in which a date was part of the name, in which case both will appear. (NOTE: Whether a particular campaign streamer gets a date or not is sometimes confusing - check with your award documentation.) Award streamers are embroidered as required by the award. The following is a portion of AR840-10, describing streamer sizes and the flags with which the streamer(s) is used:
9 - 7. Description
a. Streamers are authorized in three sizes as follows:
l. Two and three-fourths inch hoist by four-foot fly, for display with the U.S.Army Ceremonial flag and with the organizational color of the lst Battalion, 3d Infantry (RRGF NOTE: The Ceremonial flag is 4'4" x 5'6" and made of Rayon Banner Cloth)
2. Two and three-fourths inch hoist by a three-foot fly for display with distinguishing flags and organizational colors This size is also displayed on the Army Display flag. (RRGF NOTE: This Display flag is 3' x 4' and has the same design and material as the Ceremonial flag)
3. One and three-eighths inch hoist by a two-foot fly for display of unit decorations or awards on guidons (RRGF NOTE: A guidon is a swallow-tailed unit marker, 20-inch hoist by a 27-inch fly, the swallow-tail end forked l0 inches)
b. Letters and numerals required for inscriptions on streamers for display with flags are 1 l/4 inches high. For guidons, letters and numerals are 5/8 inch high.
NOTE: THE INSTITUTE OF HERALDRY (TIOH) is responsible for setting standards for Army streamers, and since 1957 furnishes heraldic services to all military departments and branches of the federal government. This includes decorations, flags, streamers, agency seals, coats of arms, badges, and other forms of official emblems and insignia
Class 2 - MARINE CORPS. MARINE CORPS CAMPAIGN STREAMERS ARE DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT MIL-DTL-14650/2L - AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ON THE ASSIST WEB SITE QUICK SEARCH - CLICK HERE. Marine Corps streamers are all size 2, double sided, double embroidered. Most Marine Corps streamers do not have script but may have stars or other devices; the streamer itself equals one award. Due to the complexities of Marine Corps streamers they are the most expensive
Class 3 - NAVY. NAVY CAMPAIGN STREAMERS ARE DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT MIL-DTL-14650/3H - AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ON THE ASSIST WEB SITE QUICK SEARCH - CLICK HERE. Most Navy streamers are size 2, but are single ply. Most Navy streamers do not have script but may have stars or other devices
Class 4 - AIR FORCE. AIR FORCE CAMPAIGN STREAMERS ARE DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT MIL-DTL-14650/4R - AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ON THE ASSIST WEB SITE QUICK SEARCH - CLICK HERE. Air Force Streamers may be size 1, 2, 3, or the award size of 1 3/8 x 36. Campaign streamers usually include dates. Air Force and Army streamers are very much alike, differing only in number and in a few selected campaigns or operations.
Class 7 - SPACE FORCE. SPACE FORCE CAMPAIGN STREAMERS ARE DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT MIL-DTL-14650/7 - AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ON THE ASSIST WEB SITE QUICK SEARCH - CLICK HERE. Space Force Streamers conform to USAF size standards. Space Force and Air Force streamers are very much alike, differing only in number and in a few selected campaigns or operations.
Class 5 - UNIT AWARDS (all services). UNIT AWARD STREAMERS ARE DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT MIL-DTL-14650/5G - AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ON THE ASSIST WEB SITE QUICK SEARCH - CLICK HERE. These are special streamers issued for outstanding performance. The size depends upon the service, the flag, and the award received. The inscription conforms to the requirements of the award. For example, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award streamers have "From - To" dates embroidered on them, such as "1 JUL 02 - 30 JUN 03". When ordering award streamers we will embroider the script per your directions, so be sure it is correct!
(Air Force Outstanding Unit Award examples, size 2 and size 3)
SIZES IN INCHES {centimeters}
Size 1 - 2 3/4 x 48 {7 x 122 cm}
Size 2 - 2 3/4 x 36 {7 x 91 cm}
Size 3 - 1 3/8 x 24 {3.5 x 61 cm}
Award Size - 1 3/8 x 36 {3.5 x 91 cm}, typically used by the Air Force
Ribbon Pattern - per specification sheet. This is usually found in MIL-DTL-11589/[RIBBON NUMBER]. For example, a JOINT MERITORIOUS UNIT AWARD (DoD) is described in MIL-DTL-11589/289
Style - This is the number used to describe the embroidery or devices used on a particular streamer, and is found in the Streamer Set document for a particular Service. For example, in MIL-DTL-14650/1BB, ARMY STREAMER SET, Style 167 refers to Ribbon Pattern MIL-DTL-11589/151 VIETNAM SERVICE embroidered with VIETNAM CEASE-FIRE 1972 - 1973. NOTE: Style numbers are service specific - in the example just given, the AIR FORCE lists the same streamer as Style 91. Summary: the RIBBON PATTERN is the same for all services, but the STYLE NUMBER is specific to a particular service
Class 6 - COAST GUARD. COAST GUARD CAMPAIGN STREAMERS ARE DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT MIL-DTL-14650/6F - AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ON THE ASSIST WEB SITE QUICK SEARCH - CLICK HERE. The United States Coast Guard comes under the supervision of the Department of Homeland Security and is not an agency of the Department of Defense. However, Coast Guard streamers follow TIOH specifications for size and materials, and are indexed by DoD. Coast Guard streamers are all size 1 and only three have embroidery of any kind. There are now 43 streamers in the Coast Guard set
There are now THREE types from which to choose: Type I (18 positions), Type II (15 positions), and Type III (24 positions). The Type III ring attachment primarily serves the Army Ceremonial Flag, which how has 190 streamers in its set. Type I and Type II are now authorized for ALL OTHER FLAGS. These attachments are expensive, due to the specifications established by the DoD - which are highly detailed, down to the type of metal used. This is the first change in the OFFICIAL ring attachment set since 1971! The graphic below is provided for your information only.
*MIL-S-14630B states that the specifications below are "...approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense."
When writing for prices please be sure to indicate the following:
The size of the streamers you need (example: size 1, 2, 3, or an award size)
If ordering a guidon streamer (size 3 or 3A), please specify whether you want a sleeve or grommet as the attachment
The inscription required on each streamer. This is especially important for award streamers
The total number of streamers
The Service (we've had situations were clients are in one service but ordering streamers for another: example, an Army clerk ordering Air Force streamers because he is on a joint use base. Things go more efficiently and smoothly if we know what you need from the beginning)
Your military contact telephone number and physical or APO/FPO shipping address (don't forget the ZIP CODE). We ship via FEDEX to CONUS locations, and USPS/DOD to overseas locations
NOTE! - When you call to order please have your STATE SALES TAX EXEMPTION NUMBER ready (if applicable)
Please be advised that RRGF cannot PRECHARGE Government Purchase Cards, nor ship GPC purchases to private addresses
If requesting information on CUSTOM streamers please go to the CUSTOM STREAMERS PAGE